
Arrow keys move battle cursor, Z is confirm, X is cancel


A proof of concept for a gothic JRPG based on the album Venus Doom by HIM. Features only a single battle demoing some of the battle mechanics. Would intend to make a 2-4 hour experience in the style of Dragon Quest 1, with 1v1 combat more akin to puzzle solving.

The art style is beyond me - for this demo it's all generated with AI and then edited. If you're an artist interested in collaborating on a full project, please reach out!


  • Fight - normal attack
  • Guard - receive half damage next attack
  • Blast - deal double damage
  • Heal - restore hp
  • Power stance - deal extra damage for a while
  • Brace stance - receive reduced damage for a while, auto-dodge grabs
  • Meditate - restore sp

dedicated to my friend Colton for helping me playtest

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